PATIENTS at the Bridge Surgery in Evesham Road are to benefit by a new telephone system that should drastically cut down the engaged tone when they phone for appointments.

The new telephone number - 0844 477 1758 - has been in operation since Friday.

The system reduces call congestion by introducing extra phone lines.

Practice manager Sandra Knowles said: "The Bridge Surgery currently has 5,600 residents on its register, which can make it difficult to get through at the first attempt.

"At busy times we receive more calls than our current switchboard can handle.

"We decided to address the problem by installing a new system which will manage calls more efficiently by routing a patient directly to the service they need."

She said the service includes a new switchboard, headsets, a call recording facility and extra safety features.

People calling the old telephone number will hear a recording with details of the new number.

This re-direction message will be kept on the old line for as long as it is needed.

The new number will be charged at low call rates.