FORLORN Kays workers spoke of their sadness and disappointment after they were told they were being made redundant.

Two product managers said the news that 500 were going was broken to them just 10 minutes before they had to tell their staff.

Karen Weaver, of Upper Sapey, has worked for the company for 15 years.

She said: "It's a big part of my life ripped out from underneath me.

"We were expecting it, but nothing can prepare you for it when it actually happens.

"I just don't know what we are going to do."

Nicki Michaela, of Green Acres Road, said as a single mum living close by, the convenience of working at Kays will be difficult to replace.

"The hours I work at the moment are perfect and I am not going to find them anywhere else.

"You come here everyday, thinking it's just work and you moan about it, but it's more than that. It's a family, we are all friends. You can walk through the different departments and know everybody's name.

"We will lose that social side and it is really sad."

Up to 100 workers will be able to opt for voluntary redundancy in August. Miss Michaela thought this would cause a dilemma for the workers. She said: "We don't know whether to go in August, when there might be more chance of getting a job, or in the New Year."

Ms Weaver said it was that uncertainty of the future that is distressing.

"When we told the staff they were very quiet.

"I think the first reaction is to get out as fast as you can, but now I think they'll be dragging us out."

Miss Michaela agreed: "We want to sweep the floor and turn the lights off.

"We want to be here when the doors are closed for the last time."