PRESIDENT Judith Scott welcomed 39 members and WI advisor Christine Hickman-Smith.

Since the previous meeting, there had been a superb coach outing to Kew Gardens on a beautiful sunny day.

Some members had also attended the Lenchton, Redditch and Saltways group meeting at Bentley Pauncefoot.

Ipsley with Crabbs Cross will host a summer garden party for other WIs in the group in the garden of Jackie Gregory's home on June 28.

It was confirmed the annual cake stall at the Alexandra Hospital fete could go ahead as long as preparation and packing conditions were complied with.

The October coach trip to London is now booked.

Several members will be attending the Spring Flower, Food and Craft Show at Bewdley and will be submitting entries in various classes. Arrangements are being made for the celebration of Ipsley WI's 40th birthday in July.

WI adviser Christine Hickman-Smith took members through the two resolutions.

The competition for something savoury was won by Thelma Crook and the flower of the month by Muriel Clarke with an azalea.

The next meeting will be on Wednesday, June 14 at 7.30pm at Woodfield Middle School, Studley Road, Redditch, when there will be a craft demonstration by Maria Hampton.