TWO "metal detectives" gave an illustrated talk in May.

Bob Baldock and Mick Thompson, from the Coventry Heritage Detective Society, spoke about their fascinating hobby.

They brought with them a collection of artefacts which had been found with metal detectors in and around Warwickshire.

The items ranged from modern badges, right back through time to a rare 4,000-year-old axe head.

It was explained the aim of their group was to find, collect and study, metal items which may have been lost, discarded or deliberately buried.

All precious metal finds should be declared and, since 1996, all finds should be reported to the Portable Antiquities Scheme.

In general, most metal detectorists do not work on castles, known buildings or sensitive sites as they are looking for random finds which greatly add to the understanding of people's lives and work and show how they moved around their environment.

Aerial photographs provide useful information as they show disturbances in the landscape which can then be investigated.

The next meeting will be on Tuesday, September 12, at 7.30pm in Feckenham Village Hall when Alan Godfrey will speak about Roman Alcester. Visitors welcome.