MEMBERS were well aware of the National Trust, many being members, but not so the Woodland Trust.

That was until Margaret Anderson gave an inside view.

The Woodland Trust was started in 1971 by volunteer groups for the conservation of woodlands and within three years, it was a national organisation.

There are now some 130,000 members actively involved in restoring more than 100 ancient woodlands, planting over about one million trees.

To classify as an ancient woodland, there has to be evidence it has existed since 1600, either documentary or by its nature in shape and size and its plant life.

It has been an active month, members going and enjoying activities of all kind.

A group with lots of energy went to Bentley to take part in a game of kurling. Others, on a more sedate venture, went to see The Mikado.

Those few fortunate enough to go to the council meeting had Anne Widdecombe as guest speaker and she had been in excellent form.

Meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month at 7.30pm at the village hall. Visitors welcome.