KILVERT'S Diary was an entertaining talk by local historian Ralph Richardson.

Mr Richardson described how the Rev Francis Kilvert was a Victorian country parson of Clyro on the Welsh borders.

Kilvert began to keep a diary in 1870 in which he described the people he met and the places he visited in fascinating detail - and with some controversy.

The diary entries have been recognised as minor classics because they give a rare picture of country life in the late Victorian years.

The next talk, The Bromsgrove Guild, will be presented by Quintin Watt MA.

The Bromsgrove Guild of Applied Arts was founded in 1898 by a group of craftsmen and women influenced by the Arts and Crafts Movement. Guild historian Mr Watt will explain how the firm developed into a thriving commercial enterprise, acquiring an international reputation for fine craftsmanship.

The evening starts at 8pm on Wednesday, June 14, at The Greig Hall, Alcester.