ARELEY KINGS WI - Three members recently had operations and all are doing well. There was a basket of Burundi Bears made by a member, which sold for £1 each to raise money for children in that country.

Mollie Long's curry lunch in aid of the Nandi Hills branch of the East African Women's League raised £272. A letter had been received detailing how the money would be spent.

Ann Smith, WIA, led members through the resolutions for the AGM. Both were passed unanimously.

There was an exhibition of art produced by Margaret Shaddock's art class throughout the year. The class had raised £104 for Acorns Children's Hospice. There were reports on the lunch with a speaker and on the skittles team, who had won all five matches. Margaret Cook and her team were thanked for providing the institute's entry for the home economics and crafts rally on May 15.

The next meeting will be on June 12 in the village hall at 7.30pm when the speaker will be Mr Hadwell on the confessions of a reluctant gardener.