PLANS to improve the appearance of Teme Bridge have been put on hold while a structural investigation takes place.

The bridge, which forms the gateway into Tenbury Wells, will not be repainted until the completion of a thorough review by civil engineers working in partnership with Worcester-shire County Council.

Rhys Davies, the principal engineer at Worcest-ershire Highways, said: "We are considering a refurbishment scheme but it does not make sense to paint when we are reviewing its performance.

"If we paint the parapets now and end up doing more work 18 months later it would be a waste of money."

Mr Davies pointed out that there were potential problems with extensions made to the bridge when it was widened at the turn of the 20th century.

"We want to make sure that the bridge is safe for continued use by highway users," Mr Davies said. "I know there has been some concern about its appearance but we need to address all elements of it."

Reg Farmer, county councillor for Tenbury, said: "If there are problems with the bridge it needs to be looked at as there is no doubt it looks shabby.

"We expect them to find the faults and deal with them as quickly as possible because its appearance has been causing some concern to the people of Tenbury."

Coun Phil Grove, who represents Tenbury on Malvern Hills District Council, said he was "very disappointed" that the bridge would not be painted.

"I feel the appearance of the bridge definitely needs improving," he said. "Let's hope the investigations can be done as quickly as possible as the bridge needs to be looking its best because it is the main entrance into the town."