SIR - I read Andrew Brown's letter (May 24) with disbelief, as he dismissed the plight of the local cabbies by suggesting that they should be more discerning over who they allow into their cab.

Of course, discerning cabbies could be mistaken for exhibiting discrimination against certain revellers. I wonder if his suggestion is only aimed at taxi drivers, or can shops and supermarkets also take measures to prevent certain customers from entering their premises in case they too refuse to pay for the goods?

Incidentally, whatever happened to the right of making a citizen's arrest? Are victims no longer allowed to apprehend, restrain or frog-march perpetrators to the nearest police station?

With regards to unpaid utility bills, companies do not resort to sending heavies to settle-up, they just turn off the supply, take the creditor to court and charge the customer a re-connection fee when they reinstate the supply.

