I COULD not believe my eyes when I read that a number of Bewdley town councillors were engaged in a self-contratulatory campaign drawing attention to their achievements in installing bus shelters, whilst at the same time airing their grievances over who should pay for a few seats around the new square at Severn Side South. (Council working on behalf of town, Letters, May 25).

Firstly, I think it rather pathetic that they should engage in this public display of self congratulation. But, more importantly, I feel they have completely failed to see the real opportunity the new square presents.

Doesn't it strike you as being out of proportion that some £7 million has been spent on the flood defences and yet the argument over the seats involves pennies?

The truth is the building of the flood defences involved removing every last tree and every last bit of green foliage. The result, when viewed from the opposite side, is a town that presents itself as quaint, yet stark.

Clearly something is missing and a few seats would do little to restore the balance.

The council should grasp the nettle and sponsor something that really befits the town and matches the outlays already invested. What is needed is a centrepiece in the form of a rather grand statue, and some restoration of greenery, if only in tubs which would not interfere with the erection of the barriers.

The obvious choice would be a statue of Stanley Baldwin in view of his colossal achievement in serving three times as Prime Minister, but there must be other non-political candidates if this becomes an issue.

But please, none of your so-called modern art! I would much prefer the councillors to continue their petty wrangle over seats than be faced with some monstrous offering making somebody rich in the process - in the name of art!


Sunuffmill Walk
