PARISH COUNCIL: At the annual meeting of the parish council, Cllr Tony Wilkins was re-elected chairman. The meeting then discussed the recent housing survey carried out by Warwickshire Rural Community Council. Charles Barlow, the rural housing enabler, said that the survey went well and there were no surprises. All the 19 households who, according to the survey, had housing needs also had connections with the parish. Mr Barlow said that he needed to research further those who expressed a preference for local market housing, and that would take about a week.Mr Barlow wanted the parish council to express a commitment to the scheme and the next thing to do would be to set up a working party, consisting of about two parish councillors, and the county and district councillors, to find out which pieces of land were available and who owned them. Mr Barlow could then approach the landowners.The chairman reported that due to the heavy rain, sewage had been flowing down the Armscote Road for 250 yards, and what did not go into the ditch ended up in Mr Betteridge's field. Mr Jack Hands had written to John Maples MP about this. A letter had been received from Paul Bryan about parking in Back Street in front of Berry View and Lavender Cottage, and the state of the grass verge in that area. Stones had been placed on the road outside Berry View to stop cars from being parked there. The clerk reported that the response to the request for volunteers to work on various requirements in the action plan had been disappointing. There had been three volunteers, two for setting up a working group to tackle parking issues, and one for compiling an information pack about the village, and a leaflet about parish walks.