MORE than 400 people dropped in on the first Worcester News careers fair for people who want to work with children.

Every Child Matters took place at the Fownes Hotel in Worcester yesterday.

The show was organised by the Worcester News in association with Worcestershire County Council.

The fair allowed people to find out more about working with children, young people and their families.

There were 27 exhibitors, who handed out information on the available training courses and what kind of qualifications are needed to work with children.

One of the exhibitors, Penny Webb, who is the Child Minding Network co-ordinator, said: "We are here to offer advice and encourage people to start their own childminding business.

"We get all ages interested in childminding and we have already had ten people sign up to receive our information packs, which helps them to start their business."

Another exhibitor, Debbie Hyde, the project manager for Jobs In Care, said: "The aim of being here is to promote and provide information on caring.

"We work closely with many children's organisations, which is why people who want to work with children have signed up with us today - we have been really busy."

Sara Matthew, the events co-ordinator at the Worcester News, said she was delighted that so many people had come along to the show.

"We have had more than 400 people come through the doors, which was fantastic," she said.

"We are really, really pleased and we've had some excellent feedback from the exhibitors.

"It was good for visitors that everything was under one roof and accessible."

For more information on careers in childcare, contact 01905 790560 or visit www.