FANS of the late musician Johnny Cash are in for a treat this month when a Malvern singer-songwriter takes to the stage to pay tribute to the legendary 'man in black'.

Clive John, of Worcester Road, Malvern Link, will be playing at Worcester's Marr's Bar in Pierpoint Street on Tuesday, June 13.

The concert is being billed as an evening of original self-penned tracks inspired by James Mangold's recent Hollywood film Walk The Line, alongside Johnny Cash songs. The film is named after Cash's third single and chronicles his meteoric rise.

Thirty-one-year-old Clive has recently returned from performing at Dartmouth Festival and has been described by Country Music Round-Up magazine as 'one of the country's finest talents'.

While Clive rates Johnny Cash as an influence, he stresses that he is not a tribute act.

He added: "My voice just happens to suit the songs.

"I'm about to start work on my sixth album, though, and I'm happiest when I'm performing my own material."

Doors open for Clive's gig at 8pm and tickets are £5 in advance or £6 on the night.

read Clive's story in Pryce's People, monday