CIVIC SOCIETY -- At the May meeting, David Poyner spoke about the Wyre Forest coalfield, which is around 50 square miles in area and is located mainly in Shropshire and Worcestershire.

Coal was mined here from the medieval period until the 1970s and produced "sulphur coal", which was not very good for household fires or iron smelting, although hops benefited from the sulphur fumes; and "sweet coal" which was suitable for domestic fires and also had many industrial and household purposes.

The slides which illustrated parts of the talk gave an idea of the working conditions and lifestyle of the miners and their families. For anyone interested in knowing more onthis subject, there is a book written by the speaker and Robert Evans and published by Tempus.

The next meeting of the society takes place at the Social Day Centre. Stourport, on Thursday June 15 at 7.30pm. The subject will be "Stourport Forward - the way ahead". Liz Durnell is the speaker. Visitors are welcome.

LICKHILL WI - The strawberry tea is to be held on July 5, not June 28. There will be a bring and buy sale and raffle. Members were asked to donate cakes.

The president, Cherry Greaves, has written a letter regarding packaging. This will be sent to Dr. Richard Taylor, MP for Wyre Forest, local newspapers, BBC Midlands Today, ITV News, the Co-op Supermarket and Tesco's in Stourport. Members were asked to sign the petition which will be enclosed with the letter.

Cherry Greaves discussed the resolution for renewable energy. Three members abstained and one voted against. The resolution on a healthy population was carried unanimously. Kath Oakley asked members to collect small plastic caps from milk bottles or other containers. These will help to raise funds to buy a wheelchair for Kemp Hospice.

Betty Rooney displayed photographs of the children wearing the jumpers created for 'Jumpers Galore'.

The next meeting is on June 21 at the Memorial Park Community Centre at 10am. The speaker is George Hook on the subject of mother of pearl.