CYCLING CLUB -- On Sunday, the A ride is taking part in the Shropshire Highlands Challenge. The ride starts from the Rugby Club in Ludlow at 9.30am.

The B ride leaves from The Green, Blakebrook, opposite Kidderminster Hospital at 9.30am and goes to Old Storridge Common near Alfrick. All riders will be welcome and should take a packed lunch.

On Wednesday evening there is a ride to the Fighting Cocks Inn at Stottesdon. The ride leaves The Green at 7pm. For further details contact John Weston on 01299 401005 or visit the website at

FRANCHE WI - At the June meeting, Robert Miller gave a talk on plant propagation and members picked up many useful tips. The competition for flower of the month was won by president, Margaret Lillis.

Members were reminded that helpers and cakes are needed for the WI stall at St Barnabus Fete on July 8.

The institute is to have a skittles night next season. At the next meeting, orders will be taken for WI diaries and calendars.

The next meeting at Franche Church Hall on July 4 at 7.30pm will include a slide show and talk on Japan by Fiona Lucas.

BROADWATERS LADIES - Harry Scharff will give a talk on the history of spectacles on Wednesday, June 21, at St Oswald's Church Centre, Broadwaters Drive, Kidderminster, at 7.30pm. Visitors will be welcome.

CAMERA CLUBG -- The club, which began in June 1906 as the Kidderminster and District Photgraphic Society, is celebrating its 100th year of operations this year. It has been celebrating the centenary over the course of the year with the production of a calendar and the inclusion of public events in the programme.

The final event of the season is a lecture by the well known wildlife photographer Chris Weston.

The title of the lecture is Living Edens and it will be held in the gallery at Kidderminster Library on Monday at 8pm. Tickets can be obtained by ringing the club on 01562 823384 or 01562 850856.

KIDDERMINSTER FIELD CLUB - The next outing will take place on Saturday, June 24. This will be a visit to Evesham, where there will be an escorted tour of the museum, time to look around the town and a boat ride on the River Avon ending with afternoon tea.

Contact 01299 402524 to book.