HORTCULTURAL SOCIETY - Members visited Derek Walker's home at Little Larford to view the display of 15,000 tulips inter-woven with herbaceous plants. They also had a day trip to Kew Gardens in London and visited the recently opened Alpine Glass House.

The speaker at the June meeting was Reg Moule, the radio and TV garden guru, who talked on all combinations of container gardening including pots, composts and cultivation. President Derek Walker also distributed fuchsia plants to be grown on and judged at the annual show on August 5.

The next open gardens event will be on Sunday when seven gardens will be open to the public with registration and a tea/coffee stop at Little Yarhampton.

Tickets are still available for the Big Band Ball in the Village Hall on Friday, June 23. The price includes a finger buffet and a bar licence has been applied for.

Contact Michael Ecob on 01299 822167.