A TOWN councillor is appealing to pet owners to act responsibly to ensure Tenbury looks good for this year's Heart of England "Britain in Bloom" contest.

Councillor Janice Gluyas, who is also chairman of the Tenbury In Bloom committee, hopes dog owners will clean up their act in anticipation of the big event.

"The dog mess situation could be detrimental to this year's entry," Coun Gluyas said. "A lot of dog owners have pride in their animals and their town. But there are some who don't and I am asking them to pick up their dog mess."

One of the problems is that although some owners are bagging their mess it is dispensed in an inappropriate manner.

"Some dog owners are picking up the faeces and putting it into a green bag but are then chucking it into the hedge," the councillor said.

Particularly bad spots include a footpath that leads from Craves Mead to Orchard Court, and areas around Rhyse Lane and the stepping stones over the Kyre Brook by the Pembroke House.

Coun Gluyas, who launched a successful dog awareness week in 2001, added that free bags are available from the town council offices in Teme Street and the pet shop in Market Street. Used bags can be put in all litter bins in the town.

Judging for the Heart of England regional contest takes place on July 14 and a companion dog show will take place in aid of this year's entry on July 23 at Palmer's Meadow.

Further details can take be obtained from Carole Samuels on 01584 891568.