A MAJOR new development which would include 300 new homes and a primary school in Evesham was given the thumbs-up by the Town Council this week.

The scheme, which is planned for a site bordered by Badsey Road and Badsey Lane, would incorporate 90 affordable homes and have an important effect on the town's growing waiting list.

The town council and Wychavon District Council, which initially proposed the development, are keen to persuade the county council to agree to the provision of a new primary school on the site.

Members of the town council voted to approve the plans at a full council meeting on Monday on the condition that a second exit from the development is incorporated in the plan and a new first school built.

Access issues were the first up for discussion with Councillor Anthony Lyon requesting more than one access due to the volume of traffic. "Badsey Road is already heavily trafficked," he said. "There is a clear case for two entries, not just one."

Councillor Frances Smith, backed by other members, added she would welcome a new school on the site.

"The other schools in the area cannot be increased as they are already large. Bengeworth could not be extended due to the flood plain, we should not increase capacity, a new school has to be the answer," she said.

Councillor Sophie Christopher raised ecological issues and requested that plans should be made to retain as many hedgerows already on the site as possible and keep the pond intact with the development built around it.

Concerns were also raised by Councillor Roma Kirke of the district council's use of the word urban on the planning document. "The word urban worries me," she said. "The chosen developer should be aware that it is a semi-rural area, not urban. Evesham has already been sub-urbanised but it still has rural charms and those aspects should be respected.

"I also want to see interesting houses too, not bland boring estates we see so many of. Let's have something different and more acceptable." The proposed plans are due to go to public consultation tomorrow.