DRIVERS who illegally cut through Ryall to avoid congestion in Upton will face on-the-spot fines from police.

A recent accident on the A4104, where three people were killed and others seriously injured, led to the problem being highlighted.

While police were at the scene, many local residents told them of their concerned about safety on the Ryall Road.

People who come off the M50 often cut through Ryall to avoid sitting in traffic, despite the road being sign posted as access only.

PC Mark Taylor said residents were unhappy about people using Ryall Road as a rat-run, particularly the speed at which they travelled.

Resident Alison Chivers said: "It's a big problem, especially in the evening. You hear cars whizzing by and you wonder how they can stop at the end of the road.

"It's people who just want to get two cars ahead, trying to get to home or to work. But for the sake of a couple of minutes it's not worth it."

Neighbour David Pickup agreed that the way people used the road was alarming.

"They cut through at 50mph when they shouldn't even by coming down the road at all," he said.

As a result of the concerns expressed, police will be monitoring the area with timers and speed guns.

Anyone caught speeding for using the road as a rat-run could face a written warning or an on the spot fine and points on their driver's licence.