ST John the Baptist Church and Eldersfield Lawn School will join forces once again for their summer fete tomorrow (Saturday). It starts at noon with a pig roast, so come early for lunch. There will be children's games, bouncy castle, face painting and competitions as well as the usual stalls such as cakes, preserves, produce, tombola, new presents (cosmetics etc), toys, plants, books and records, bric-a-brac. If you have any items suitable for these stalls please contact Mary Williams on 01452 780320 or Wendy Burndred on 01452 780415. Helpers are needed to set up the fete this evening and tomorrow morning. Just turn up at the school.

The Eldersfield Landmark Appeal has now reached £19,000. This is a splendid effort from both within and outside the parish and reflects the special regard, which so many people have for our church. We now have to wait, which may be several months, to hear the results of our appeal to various charitable trusts.

Keep July 29 free for the next fundraising event, when Giles Turner and friends will be performing a musical evening at Eldersfield Church. Tickets for this concert are now available and are £10, including a glass of wine and finger buffet, from Jackie on 01452 780747, George on 01452 780415 or Margaret on 01684 833230.