IN reply to the letter headlined 'Elgar humbug' (Your Letters, June 16), it is precisely this sought of lack of community spirit that has led Malvern to lose venues and funding for events over the years.

A lot of Elgar's music was about Worcestershire and the surrounding areas and it embodies what he found and enjoyed here.

Well, we do not live in the early 20th Century and Malvern as a town cannot afford to be kept in some sanctimonious cocoon by the few. For a few days a year, volunteers work very hard to give something to our community that embodies what is here now. There were classical recitals throughout the events calendars and I went to numerous events and saw Malvern's communities, young and old, taking part.

If we allow the small minority in Malvern to object to events that do not suit their elitist tastes unchallenged, we are doomed as a community.

The arts officer and many individuals involved would welcome positive input from locals to see how events can be developed to please all, but this minority should be aware, that events will happen in the future with or without their cooperation - so get involved .

Richard Penhaligon (chairman West Fest 2006), West Malvern.