SIR -- Unfortunately, John Yeates is clearly another correspondent not familiar with up-to-date research on the Spitfire and Hurricane story. The fact is that in 1940 Hurricane squadrons, we now know, had a kill ratio of 21.9 per cent, while the Spitfire squadrons, even though less in number, lead at 27.8 per cent. The problem is that in 1940, over-claiming was rife, and it is only in recent years that researchers have concluded matching combat claims to actual enemy losses.

The end result has been illuminating, to say the least, and has cast fresh light on an old legend. I would refer Mr Yeates to John Alcorn's findings in particular; he should study them, as both Dr Mitchell and I have. To suggest that Dr Mitchell and myself are 'bending the truth' is both insulting and untrue. The facts speak for themselves, but you first have to be familiar with the up-to-date facts to appreciate that, which Mr Yeates is not.

Moreover, Mr Yeates should be aware that I do not just "sell Spitfire stories", and before making such a statement in print he would be have been well advised to actually read my list of published works.

In those 19 titles he will find books about the Battle of Britain, about Hurricane and Spitfire pilots, and if he came to a book launch he would be able to meet not only Spitfire pilots but also many Hurricane pilots from 1940, all of whom I count among my friends and hold only in the highest regard.

