CLEOBURY MORTIMER WI - The speaker for the June meeting was Andy Vanderhook, the husband of a group member, who gave a talk on beekeeping. He brought along some of the items used, including protective clothing and a beehive. He also displayed a candle and novelties made from beeswax and, of course, honey.

There were two entries in the competition which were cakes made with honey. The winner was Jenny Vanderhook. Flower of the month winner was Iris Twinn, second Heather Williams, third Stella Wilcox.

There is no meeting in the parish hall until September 12 when there will be a talk on teaching special needs. The annual outing on July 11 will be a day out in Evesham including a tour of the museum and a boat trip on the river. On August 8, there will be an evening garden party at Iris Todd's home.