HARVINGTON Hall's annual festival will kick off with live music from the Azzura String Quartet tomorrow at 7.30pm.

On Saturday, there will be Elizabethan dancing in the gardens from noon, which will be followed by a performance from the Dutch Lewis Jazz Band at 6.30pm.

The Festival Mass will be held in St. Mary's Church, opposite the hall, at 10.30am and the hall's gardens will be open to visitors on Sunday between 11.30am and 4.30pm, with all the proceeds going to the National Gardens Scheme charity.

Elizabethan re-enactors will be entertaining visitors on both days and there will be guided tours.

On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, July 14, 15 and 16, the Crescent Theatre company will perform Robert Bolt's play, A Man for All Seasons, in the gardens.

Tickets for both concerts need to be booked in advance and further information is available from 01562 777846.