SO Mr Lester is "insulted" by the story about a British soldier which appeared in the Shuttle/Times & News?

It is Mr Lester who has insulted millions of people, not only here in Britain but also in the USA and Iraq.

He has created his own version of events when it comes to the war in Iraq, conveniently ignoring facts that don't fit in.

It was an Iraqi, Saddam Hussein, who kept the majority of the population subjugated and terrorised while he murdered millions of his own citizens before the war in question began - but that did not seem to bother Mr Lester, since it didn't directly involve Britain at the time. Out of sight, out of mind.

And it is not the American and British soldiers who are now blowing civilians to bits every day in the streets and marketplaces of Iraq. It is other Iraqis and mercenaries of other nationalities who do not wish to see peace and economic progress in the country.


Manor Farm
