ROTARY CLUB - For the past 12 months, Alan Wood has presided over a rewarding year with a record-breaking £9,000 being raised for local, national and international good causes.

Mr Wood said: "We have significantly raised the profile of our club within the Bewdley area. One of the hallmarks of the club is that we have fun while carrying out valuable support to the wider community."

Handing over the chain of office to incoming president Andrew Page, Mr Wood wished him every success. Mr Page, a company director, said: "The legacy left by Alan is that of a strong club with good community links."

Further information can be found at www.

WRIBBENHALL WI - At the July meeting a report was given on the National AGM. Due to holiday commitments planned social events have been postponed until the autumn.

The speaker, Mrs Phyllis Benedicte gave a talk illustrated by slides on her work at the Assay Office in Birmingham. She talked about the history of the office and the various markings and tests used in her trade. During social time, there was a bring and buy sale.

On August 14 at 7.15pm at the Community Hall, Shaw Hedge Road the speaker will be Mrs Catherine Clarke talking about her career in millinery. All welcome.