SIR - Perhaps had the RSPCA not squandered our money on a multi-million pound new premises, together with two recent political and extensive advertising campaigns in the national press, the local branch might not now be facing problems ("Debt-ridden RSPCA in urgent call for cash aid", July 31).

The campaigns to 'ban hunting' and 'stop the badger cull' have resulted in a serious deterioration in the welfare of both foxes and badgers.

Since the ban, more foxes have been killed and many more maimed.

Failure to cull TB infected badgers will result in even more badgers becoming infected with TB. The RSPCA is not only just hypocritical, but surely it must be contravening its charitable status by becoming embroiled in politics. Our donations should be spent locally on the front line where they are needed most, not on its misplaced dogma.

