TOILETS were the hot topic at Redditch Council meeting last Monday.

Former councillor Tom Wareing asked council leader Phil Mould what he was going to do about the problem of a lack of public toilets in the town.

"Is he aware of the difficulties experienced by young children, also those people in our community who suffer with weak bladders - not least elderly men with prostate problems - by his council's policy of non-provision of public conveniences?" he said.

"Is he further aware of the provisions contained in Article 14 of the Human Rights Act, in respect of Prevention of Discrimin-ation?

"What is he going to do about this problem in Redditch, not least the difficulties experienced in the Astwood Bank Park area?"

Mr Mould replied: "No matter who you are, when you're in need you're in need, so as it's a universal need it cannot be classed as discrimination."

He said public toilets across the borough had been withdrawn due to the costs involved in running them, and to reinstate them would cost the council £120,000.

Mr Mould added the provision of a facility in one area of the town such as Astwood Bank would cost £20,000 a year.

He said if they provided only one area with a toilet, that would be discriminatory to other areas, so a programme would have to be rolled out across the town, which the council would not do.