LANDSCAPING work carried out in Winyates Green following a request by residents at a community policing meeting has been given the thumbs up.

Ward councillor Nigel Hicks said efforts of Redditch Council's landscaping department on the area immediately outside the Londis store in Furze Lane had made it look "a lot better".

Residents told a recent Partners and Community Together (PACT) meeting the area needed improving, including clearing pathways and shop frontages.

"They have opened up the path between the Londis car park and nearby Holly Berry Close, making it much lighter and safer to walk down," said Mr Hicks.

"But, as ward councillor, I can't take any credit at all for this.

"The work was carried out because residents spoke out at a PACT meeting about three months ago.

"It just goes to show if you want something done and you continue pursuing it, it will get done."

Winyates police officer Pc Paul Kennedy said it was a perfect example of how PACT could successfully address local issues through joint action.

"It was the fear of crime people were concerned about and the fact they wanted the footpath to be wider and more accessible," he said.

"I believe residents are satisfied with the results and we are happy from a police perspective because reducing the fear of crime was the priority. It was a joint effort and a great example of everyone working together."