ON a very warm evening the members were pleased to be welcomed by our president, Maureen. The vice-president, secretary and treasurer had sent apologies due to holiday absences, but a very good friend Janice Jones was with us to support Maureen.

In her report Maureen was pleased to report a very successful cake stall at the school fete with half the proceeds given to the school.

Although there is no meeting this month a walk is planned for tomorrow (Thursday), starting from The Oak Tree at Rednal. The walk will start at 6.30pm and take members round Cofton Lake and end at the hostelry in time to enjoy a meet at 8pm.

Other events were announced during the next few months - a visit to the Artrix Theatre to see the film Confet, the new speakers evening and the autumn council meeting at which we shall be selling raffle tickets.

Members agreed that a president's brooch should be purchased to be passed on to each president. Thanks were given to ladies supplying raffle items and refreshments. The speaker was Ed Shore, who gave a very interesting informative and amusing slide show about taking my car and caravan to India. Mr Shore was thanked by Norma.