SIR - L Spiteri seems to be one of those who seek to ignore the truth concerning the EU.

I simply tried to explain the dangers of trusting a 'partner' who would sell missiles to Great Britain's enemies in time of war. L Spiteri calls my efforts 'pathetic'. He then goes on about how EU aid workers were killed by British arms dealers indirectly selling arms to foreign powers that caused their deaths.

I have never known such an anti-British person. Does L Spiteri blame Sheffield for making the bayonets that killed so many Germans during the two world wars?

For L Spiteri's information, Iran supplied sophisticated bombs with charges capable of penetrating armour to Iraq which used them against British forces in the south of the country. Iran has also been known to give discreet support to Moqtada al-Sadr and other terrorist groups. This was war, L Spiteri, and the Iranians were not on our side. Regarding the Exocet missile business, the French were supposed to be our ally, our friend, our brothers-in-arms, our European cousins. They were supposed to be a nation we could trust in times of difficulty and need. And they proved to the whole wide world just how much they can be trusted.

