READ the letter by JW Nicholas in last week's Your View regarding 'crime figures - a conspiracy'. I agree and this does not solve the problem of the crime wave which I feel is totally out of control.

To hide the problem of drugs they simply change the category - so it's just another slap on the wrist. Now it's really okay to smoke cannabis.

The same as the knives amnesty. It hasn't done any good at all. There are still more knife crimes than ever.

There is a complete lack of response by the police. For example take a friend of mine who telephoned the police in the early hours of the morning - 2.30am - to say there was an intruder trying to get in. She lives alone. At 5.30am she recieved a call from the police to say they hadn't got anone to send.

I know the police station is closed, but surely there must be a car patrolling our area?

If not what are we paying our council taxes for?

The answer to all this crime is surely to have more police to be visible on the beat.

Margaret Warman

Stalls Farm Rd

Droitwich Spa