A FATHER-and-son-in-law team planning to cycle across Peru to aid cancer relief have launched the first part of their fund-raising -- with a round of charity golf.

David Derrett, of Powick, and Gregg Atkins, of Worcester, need to raise £3,000 each to take part in the Pushbike Challenge in aid of Macmillan Cancer relief.

On Monday, they got their quest off to a flier when 30 players joined them at Worcester Golf Club.

Gregg, aged 30, of Winchester Street, St John's, said he thought the 500km ride in October would be easy compared with their fund-raising efforts so far.

"We have done quite a lot of events, such as a clay-pigeon shoot and a car-boot sale, and now this golf day, but we have only managed to raise half of what we need," said Gregg. "We both feel this is a very worthy cause and I am even more determined to do the ride after a colleague at work died from cancer at the age of 26."

Anyone wishing to help can call Gregg on 07886 524270.