THERE will be three candidates contesting the Alcester seat at the district council's by-election next Thursday.

The Stratford Council by-election follows the resignation of Liberal Democrat councillor Clifford Meade in June.

Mr Meade represented the town for 22 years but resigned from his post to concentrate on voluntary work in Africa.

The candidates are Susan Adams (Conservative), Karyl Rees (Liberal Democrats) and Matthew Stephens (Labour) and the count will take place at the Greig Memorial Hall in Kinwarton Road after the polls close at 10pm.

Susan Adams, Conservative

SUSAN Adams has lived in Alcester for 35 years and has played a very prominent part in the life of the town.

She has been a member of Alcester Town Council for 16 years and has twice served as mayor.

Mrs Adams (pictured top left) and her husband Jim have been heavily involved in a range of town organisations, with Mrs Adams serving as secretary to the Royal British Legion, booking secretary to the Town Hall, a school governor and secretary to the League of Friends of Alcester Hospital. She is currently chairman of Stratford Council for Voluntary Service and Volunteer Centre, which covers the whole Stratford District.

Mrs Adams has a severely handicapped son - and so has a good understanding of the needs of carers and of the social services, education and medical facilities which serve Alcester. As a businesswoman she says she is also well aware of the challenges facing small businesses in Alcester.

Matthew Stephens, Labour

MATTHEW Stephens has represented Labour in two previous elections in Alcester.

He is married to Lorna and their daughter, Angela, was educated at St Benedict's School, Alcester, before going on to university and qualifying as a teacher.

Mr Stephens (pictured left) is an insurance professional, advising both employers and employees on health and safety matters. He is a member of Stratford Town Trust and is actively involved in the local community.

Matthew said: "As your councillor I will campaign to ensure Alcester continues to benefit from Labour's investment in community and public services, such as the new Alcester Community Hospital.

"I will hold the Tory administration in Stratford and the ineffective Liberal Democrat opposition to account. It's time for a positive Labour alternative in Alcester."

Karyl Rees, Liberal Democrat

KARYL Rees has lived in the district for 40 years and in Alcester for more than 26 years. She is married with two adult sons - both educated in Alcester - and has three grandchildren.

Mrs Rees was a teacher for 25 years, for most of that time at Henley-in-Arden Community Primary School, where she also served as a school governor.

During this time, she spent several years as secretary of the Stratford and district branch of the National Union of Teachers, representing teachers on Local Education Authority committees.

Following her early retirement, Karyl's work included spending two years in the training department of the Warwickshire branch of the British Red Cross before becoming personal assistant to Liz Lynne MEP and setting up her office in Stratford.

Mrs Rees (pictured bottom left) is fully involved with Alcester life, being a member of or voluntary worker at several town organisations.

She has also previously been a parish councillor in both Studley and Kinwarton.

She fully supports the Liberal Democrat ideal of a fairer society for all, believes in the importance of services being kept as local as possible and is currently campaigning to keep maternity delivery services at the Alexandra Hospital in Redditch.