MORE than a dozen wannabe road runners turned up for the first Shuttle Challenges at the Kingsway all-weather track in Stourport .

Six weeks of challenges have been laid on by Kidderminster & Stourport Athletic Club in the build-up to the Shuttle/Mercer 10k Race and 4k Fun Run on Sunday, September 24.

Last Tuesday's gathering involved a mile run and tips on race preparation from national athletics coach Bob Ashwood.

This week runners completed an 800m run and next week's challenge will up the distance to 3k with more advice from the experts.

The Tuesday challenges are free and those wishing to take part should go to the Kingsway track for 6pm or soon after. You don't have to attend all the sessions.

Proceeds from the races, organised by the athletics club and backed by the Shuttle/Times & News will go to the Ray Mercer Sporting Foundation and the district's new child bereavement charity, Blackberry Way.

Each week the Shuttle/Times & News is publishing a training schedule produced by club coach Richard Warder who has been involved in Wyre Forest athletics for more than 20 years.


Welcome to the third week of your training for the Shuttle/Mercer Races.

By now you should be feeling a bit more confident about the event.

This week we will be extending the time spent out on Sunday again and increasing one of the weekday runs. If you have walked in any of the previous sessions in the first two weeks then you should try to jog/run some of the time you are out in week three.

This week do try to run for two minutes, then walk for two minutes if you can't jog all the time and keep this up through the session.

Also now is the time to decide whether you are going to do the 4km fun run or the 10km race.

Only you can make this decision. How you feel at the end of this week will give you a good guide. Remember 4km is just under three miles and 10km is just over six miles.

Once you have done your Sunday run then, if possible, get it measured in a car or on a bike and you will know how far you went in the 25 minutes.

Remember as well to maintain your fluid intake every day. I would try to increase this by at least half a litre of water per day.

The warm-ups are as important as ever even if the weather is warm. I also hope that you are managing to keep up some of your other activities such as going to the gym, swimming and/or circuits.

If you want more information or advice then please come to Kidderminster and Stourport Athletic Club. We meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6.30 pm.

I can be contacted on 01299 822297.


Sunday - run or jog for 25 minutes

Monday - rest

Tuesday - Shuttle Challenge at Stourport

Sports Club (3k) or run/walk for

20 minutes

Wednesday - rest

Thursday - run or jog for 20 minutes

Friday - rest

Saturday - rest