CAN I make a plea for the council to hold their next meeting at my mum's house in Bowpatch Road in Areley Kings.

It can be reached by any decent four-wheel drive, tracked vehicle or Lunar roving vehicle and her home is easy to find, opposite pothole 778.

At the time of writing, there are regular dust storms so it might be best to defer the visit until it rains when the house can be reached with a set of thigh waders. Should you carry a kayak then a half-decent slalom can be had on the return journey.

Levity apart, it is quite impossible for the inhabitants of this road to finance its surfacing as many are of advancing years, all are ratepayers and the majority pay road tax.

I think the council should pay at least half the cost with all householders sharing the balance via a scheme whereby 50 per cent of the balance relates to how far up the road you live and 50 per cent relates to how much frontage you have.

This seems to me a fair way to finance this, via a loan tagged on to each house's council tax bill over a period, say five years depending on how affordable the end-figure was.


Redstone Lane, Stourport