I READ with interest your article "Initiative would cut journey times for cancer patients" and I am pleased that the Wyre Forest Patient Carer Group are supporting Worcester Acute NHS Trust's efforts to secure the availability of radiotherapy services at Worcester.

As one who has recently experienced the radiotherapy treatment carried out following the removal of a tumour of the mouth and throat, perhaps I could enlighten the less informed what exactly it is about.

Having been advised to accept the treatment, I was sent to the Oncology Unit at Cheltenham where I had my initial treatment to have a mask made, simulation and then the verification.

The radiotherapy then commenced on November 28 last year every weekday - Monday to Friday - sometimes twice a day and occasionally Saturdays for 35 treatments, ending on January 7 this year.

Being fairly fit and able to drive I covered the journeys myself, over 90 miles there and back, but there were occasions when the weather and road conditions slowed progress.

Sometimes it took as long as three hours to get home (I appreciate that my journeys were during the winter months) and as the spokesman for the patents group said: "These journeys are made at a time when patients may be unwell and extremely tired and make the whole experience far more stressful".

I do not know of the experiences of patients attending Coventry and Wolverhampton, but my treatment at Cheltenham was excellent with a turnaround of approximately half-an-hour.

Those who are unable to drive or are unwell and depend on others or hospital services to get them there and back run up enormous bills.

Please let us have a radiotherapy unit for Worcester. I am extremely fortunate - others may not be - please support the organisations.


Little Lakes
