WHEN I read last week's Malvern Gazette, I had got to page 12 before I realised I'd missed the most interesting page in the paper and went back to look for Your Letters but despite a careful search I couldn't find it.

When I rang the Malvern Gazette office to ask why there were no readers' letters I was told "There weren't enough and there was no space".

In the 30 years I've been reading the Malvern Gazette this is the first issue I've seen that didn't have any readers' letters.

I know it's August and perhaps we've been more concerned with the carnage in the Middle East and the alleged terrorist plot to blow up aircraft but a paper without readers' letters is like an egg without a yolk - it's incomplete!

KEITH BERRY, Nursery Road, Malvern.

Editor's Note: Our apologies to readers for the absence of a letter's page in last week's newspaper.

We were short of enough letters to make up a full page and rather than put together a partial page, we decided to use the space we had to provide an extra news page instead.

Mr Berry is right, a newspaper without a letters page is incomplete, so please help us, and get writing!