I WOULD like to comment on the letter concerning the level of policing of Sequani raised by Malcolm Roxborough (Your Letters, August 11).

I am an animal rights campaigner, not an animal rights extremist, and I am one of the protestors who meet outside Sequani approximately once a week and have recently been amazed at the level of policing for the number of protestors.

We have at times seen six police officers arrive in three police cars for just two protestors. This is in addition to the six security staff employed by Sequani. The level of policing seems to have increased since Mr Blair signed a petition backing animal testing.

The only arrests have been of a technical non-violent nature and a complete waste of police manpower.

When I first campaigned at Sequani, two women police officers arrived in one car just prior to staff leaving Sequani and usually left within half an hour. There were never any arrests and these officers showed respect and courtesy to Sequani staff and protestors alike.

I can only wonder whether the residents of Ledbury would receive the same excessive policing if and when they are in trouble.