A powerful tale of love and jealousy will be tackled by a Worcester amateur dramatic club.

The Swan Theatre Amateur Company will perform Anton Chekhov's tragi-comedy Uncle Vanya at the Swan Theatre later this month.

Frank Wellbourne, who plays the Professor, said the play was a challenge but a challenge is something all amateur dramatic groups should go for.

Mr Wellbourne said: "We also decided to do the play because our director Frank Bench has a passion for it. He rarely misses a performance."

The story, translated from the Russian by playwright Michael Frayn, is about the celebrated old Professor Serebryakov and his beautiful new wife, Yelena.

The couple retire to the Professor's country estate where his first wife's brother, Vanya, is estate manager.

Vanya, who has always held the Professor's writings in high regard, despairs when he discovers he has wasted his life on a man who hates the countryside. To make matters worse,he becomes obsessed with Yelena.

Uncle Vanya runs at the Swan Theatre from Tuesday, June 27, to Saturday, July 1, at 7.30pm. For tickets call the box office on 01905 611427 or www.huntingdonarts.com