WOULD-be MPs for Worcester have been asked by trade unionists how they will maintain jobs and protect services in the city if they get elected.

Jack Bennett (UKIP), Andrew Christian-Brookes (Independent), Mike Foster (Labour), Peter Nielsen (Independent), Andrew Robinson (Pirate Party UK), Louis Stephen (Green Party), and Robin Walker (Conservative) all attended last Thursday’s hustings event organised by Worcester Trades Union Council (WTUC).

Jackie Alderson (Liberal Democrat) did not attend while Spencer Kirby (BNP) was not invited.

WTUC secretary Bryn Griffiths said: “We were very pleased with how the event turned out. Nearly every candidate attended and gave a full account of what they would do if elected.

“We will pass this information on to city trade unionists through their branches and post written statements on our website.”

The candidates were given 10 minutes to respond to three questions about saving jobs and preserving local services.

The questions ranged from what needed to be done about insecure and low-paid employment through to the need to maintain public spending in order to avoid a ‘double dip’ recession.

Candidates then had an opportunity to respond to questions about energy policy and reform of the electoral system.

The event with local candidates was part of a wider campaign by local trade unionists to raise the profile of issues such as the loss of jobs in the area and the threat to local services.