A SUPPORT group for parents who have lost an adult child has hope for the future after staving off the threat of closure.

In January, trustees of Parents Experiencing Adult Loss (PEAL) embarked on a fund-raising mission after it was threatened with closure following the refusal of a Lottery grant.

Three bereaved parents who had benefited from the charity's work became trustees, as did former auditor and treasurer Alan Reid.

The group, which became fully operational about three weeks ago, organised supermarket collections and investigated new grant opportunities.

Mr Reid said the charity, based in St Swithin's Institute, The Trinity, in Worcester city centre had a long way to go before it would be financially stable.

"We are not out of the woods," he said.

He said the group's running costs were currently £45,000 a year.

PEAL has a national helpline and offers one-to-one counselling and group therapy to anyone in Worcestershire.

As well as parents, it can also help people who have lost an adult sibling. New trustee Alex Townsend and his 57-year-old wife Anthea lost their 18-year-old son Benjamin in a road accident six years ago.

Mr Townsend, of Bromsgrove, said: "The first year was a total haze and we didn't know what was going on in the world."

After two years they and their 26-year-old twins Laura and Ella turned to PEAL.

"I think it was good to talk to people who had experienced what we had experienced", added the 58-year-old. "It helped to talk about it and helped the emotions to come out."

Sheila Reid and her 65-year-old husband Rob, of Toddington, lost their 24-year-old son Christopher seven years ago following a car accident.

Mrs Reid, aged 62, said: "Four years later I had done what I could in terms of getting over it, but I had hit a brick wall and didn't know how to get past it."

They got in touch with PEAL and are now trustees.

"It was there to catch us and I want to feel it's there for other people in our situation," added Mrs Reid, who said the group had helped them to move on with their lives.

Referring to her role as trustee, she added: "I had to do something to keep it going so that PEAL is there for other people."

For more information or to help with fund-raising call 01905 729911.