SEVEN men were brave enough to accept our invitation to the April meeting and were welcomed by the president.

The secretary read the minutes and gave notices.

Names were taken of those wishing to go to Cookhill WI in July. An invitation had been received from Comer WI to their June quiz night and names will be taken next month.

A card had been sent to Jackie at Comer, whom many of us know and who has not been well. We all wish her a full recovery.

Margaret and Janet had been to the annual council meeting where we had entered into the creative art spring event. Our entry was put on display for members to see and the remarks that had been passed. We were quite pleased with the result. Janet Allbutt’s card as an individual entry was also on display.

The federation has suggested having a “swishing” evening where members each brought an item of clothing to exchange with another member if possible and we are going to try this next month at our May resolutions meeting.

Rosemary then welcomed Paul Harding who spoke on the origin of Oak Apple Day. It is the 350th anniversary of this day on May 29.

He said it would have been good to celebrate it as they did on the first Oak Apple Day but as there were bonfires on every street corner, health and safety laws would certainly forbid this.

However they are holding an exhibition at the Guildhall on that day. We definitely learnt a lot more about the English Civil War, the first and last battle being at Worcester.

We meet again at Whittington Village Hall on Tuesday, May 18, at 7.30pm.