AT long last a warm spring evening to meet up for Comer WI.

Viv Jackman, president, welcomed all – there being several apologies with one birthday to be celebrated.

It was with sadness and shock that Viv spoke of the sudden illness of stalwart member Jackie Taylor.

A get well card had been sent and many members have visited Jackie in hospital.

For the future Viv has arranged a visit to the George Marshall medical museum and hopefully for a later date a garden visit and a tour of a working farm.

The minutes were taken as read, but a lengthy list of correspondence was read by Beryl Lord, secretary.

The speaker, John Tearne (the monologue man) could not have entertained us better.

Armed with dressing screen, change of clothing, hats, scarves, a guitar and a flute he left his audience wondering what was to come.

There followed an insight and reminder of early variety theatre.

We all needed a good laugh and certainly got it.

His monologues – and him dressed in character – were delivered to perfection.

Finishing with a monologue on Piddling Pete his pet pooch, it was so amusing that it made it extremely difficult for Eve Lane to give a well earned vote of thanks.

We all went home feeling happy following such a good night’s entertainment.