ADULT learners have been praised and rewarded for all their hard work.

Labour candidate Mike Foster presented certificates to adult learners at the Workers’ Education Association literacy classes in Worcester. Mr Foster talked of his commitment to lifelong learning during the event at the Workers’ Education Service in the city.

He presented certificates to more than 20 successful literacy students at the WEA Study Centre and encouraged them to carry on learning and achieve their real potential and ambitions.

The WEA runs skills-based and leisure courses in Worcester and elsewhere.

A spokesman for the association said: “Experienced and qualified tutors teach small friendly classes in the community.

Courses include art, computer skills, family and local history, lip reading, number skills, reading and writing skills, sign language, health education and exercise and much more besides.

All courses are reasonably priced and some are free.”

For more details call the WEA Study Centre on 01905 330123, or e-mail worcestercentre@ or visit the WEA website at westmidlands.