A BIRTHDAY girl took a walk on the wild side when she went behind the scenes at a popular zoo.

Animal-crazy Jasmine Thomas, aged 11, turned keeper for the day when she joined staff at Dudley Zoological Gardens.

Jasmine, of Beach Road, Stourport-on-Severn, worked with rare lemurs and giraffes at the award-winning tourist attraction as part of the 40-acre site’s Little Zoo Keeper experience.

The trip was a birthday present from her family.

She said: “I worked with keepers and helped clean and feed the animals. I had a brilliant day and I really enjoyed it.”

Peter Suddock, zoo chief executive, said: “Jasmine had a fantastic time.

“We introduced the scheme for adults a few years ago and then brought in the Little Zoo Keeper days for children.

“They have proved so successful that staff are fully booked for months ahead with requests from all over the country.”

Little keepers see what life is like behind the scenes, helping staff feed, clean and care for the animals – many of which are endangered.

The youngsters can look around Lemur Wood and Wallaby Walkthrough. There are also tapirs, giraffes, Sumatran tigers, Asiatic lions, red pandas and reptiles.

For full details, visit dud leyzoo.org.uk or call 01384 215313.