THE newly re-elected mayor of Pershore has called on townsfolk to support the youth council’s bid to get a bandstand in Abbey Park.

Coun Chris Parsons, who took the chain of office for the second year running – and the eighth time in total – wasted no time in adding his weight to the project started by his young colleagues.

Coun Parsons said: “The youth council is over half-way towards raising the funds to build a bandstand in Abbey Park. The project has the full support of Wychavon District Council, which manages the park, and funds have been raised through the council, Rooftop Housing, Pershore Market Town Partnership and Pershore Town Council, as well as the Youth Council raising over £1,500 themselves.

“The final push is to raise the remainder of the money and as part of this bid the council are being asked to provide evidence of the opinion of local residents.”

He said: “If you have a view, please e-mail the town council on townclerk@persh and let them know what you think. The majority of people have been very positive but evidence of this is needed so please contact the town council as soon as possible to help the project move forward.”

During his annual report, the mayor praised the work of the youth council which he said – along with a new town clock, flood alleviation work, new tourist signs and the creation of the Avon Meadows wetland area – had helped make 2009 a good year, despite the difficult financial circumstances.

Coun John Grantham will remain in the role of deputy mayor for the coming year.