AN ex-heroin addict stole alcohol after discovering she had contracted hepatitis C.

Karen Niblett, aged 23, of Dent Close, off Wyld’s Lane, Worcester, went on a three- day shoplifting spree after her doctor told her the bad news.

She pleaded guilty to theft at Worcester Magistrates Court.

Matt Dodson, prosecuting, said the spree started on Tuesday, May 4, when Niblett entered the Co-op in St John’s, Worcester, and stole four cans of beer, worth £6.15. The next day Niblett returned to the same store and again stole four cans of beer.

On the third day – Thursday, May 6 – she took two bottles of wine, which had a combined value of £10, before leaving the store without paying for them.

But this time members of staff, who were aware of the thefts, recognised her and followed her. They finally confronted Niblett in Cripple-gate Park in Worcester.

She was later arrested for the three offences, which she admitted to police, saying she intended to drink the alcohol once she had stolen it. But defence lawyer Mark Sheward said that in many ways the fact she stole alcohol instead of returning to heroin was “to her credit”.

Niblett got clean after eight years of heroin addiction at the beginning of this year.

Mr Sheward said: “She has stopped using heroin completely, and she looks better than she has done for many, many years. Since I last saw her, she looks completely different. She is vibrant and healthy apart from the hepatitis C.”

The news from her doctor that she had contracted the disease, which means months of injections, had sent her on the spree.

Mr Sheward said the good progress his client had been making would be best served by a deferred sentence.

Magistrates agreed and deferred sentencing for three months on condition that she did not commit any further offences, complied with her drug rehabilitation requirement and did not use heroin.

Niblett will reappear on Tuesday, August 17.