A WOMAN is planning to shave off her hair to raise money for cystic fibrosis in memory of her brother, who died from the disease.

Sheila Jones, aged 27, plans to shave her shoulder-length hair off on Saturday, July 3, to raise money for the Cystic Fibrosis Trust, nearly three years to the day after the death of her brother.

The family, who used to live in Ramsoms Close, Malvern, lost George, aged just 21, on July 7, 2007.

As previously reported in your Worcester News, George, a former sea cadet, had been a life-long sufferer of cystic fibrosis.

He was known as an outrageous joker, who made the most of his short life, despite his illness. Miss Jones, who now lives in Gloucester with her family but still works in Malvern, said: “We have met other people going through the same thing and have watched them lose people.

“It’s got to the stage where it’s quite upsetting and I don’t want any more families to go through what we’ve been through.

“I’m hoping to raise £200 but any amount would be a bonus. It’s quite a mission to shave my hair off, but it’s all about the charity.

“I won’t be running a marathon because I’m not a marathon runner, so the best thing to do is to shave my head. It’s only hair, it will all grow back.”

If she raises £500, Miss Jones’s mother has agreed to shave her head too.

Miss Jones will be shaving her head at the Anchor Inn in Yates Hay Road, Malvern.

To sponsor Sheila, go to justgiving.com/sheshe-shave-my-head.