A LORRY driver who kicked a man in the head after losing his temper over a parked car has been jailed for 12 months.

John Buckley attacked a factory worker outside the Park Inn pub in Stourport Road, Kidderminster.

The victim left his car in a position which annoyed Buckley - so he tried to move it himself.

When the victim came out, Buckley punched him several times, then kicked him as he was being pulled away by the pub's landlady, Worcester Crown Court heard.

A jury convicted 38-year-old Buckley, of Hanstone Road, Stourport, of assault causing actual bodily harm.

But the offence also breached a suspended sentence for possession of a weapon in a public place.

Prosecutor James Dunstan said he had been given 16 weeks jail, suspended for 18 months, after leaning out of his cab with a 2ft-long machete which he tapped against a passing van he claimed had "cut him up".

Judge Robert Juckes QC sentenced Buckley to nine months for the assault and three months consecutive for the breach.

Buckley had three previous convictions for assault.

Abigail Nixon, defending, said on the night of the pub assault in December last year, he was out with his estranged wife in an attempt at a reconciliation. But it had failed.